We specialize in creating high-quality acrylic dentures that restore smiles and improve oral health. With our unwavering commitment to excellence, we utilize top-quality resins and partner with leading brands such as Ivostar, 4-Natur, and Enigmalife to deliver dentures of exceptional quality.
Our skilled dental laboratory technicians combine their technical expertise and artistic flair to craft acrylic dentures that are not only functional but also aesthetically pleasing. We understand that every patient is unique, and we tailor our dentures to meet individual needs, ensuring a comfortable fit and natural-looking appearance.
By using premium materials and collaborating closely with dentists, we ensure that our acrylic dentures offer optimal durability, strength, and aesthetics.
We also offer gum & teeth staining on our acrylic dentures, for more information click here
All dentures supplied by us are returned fitted to the master model, which helps to reduce the appointment time to a minimum as minimal adjustments, if any, will be needed at the fit appointment.
Marola Dental Laboratories Ltd
Armour House, Colthrop Lane, Thatcham, RG19 4NT
Copyright 2022 Marola Dental Laboratories - All Rights Reserved.
Marola Prosthetic Dental Laboratory Berkshire